Join Christine Wade of CaaSus, LLC and Gunjan Talati of Reed Smith LLP for a full day instructional session on Focus on Subcontracting. Back from popular demand on the East coast, this course will be presented on October 3, 2013 in Reed Smith’s Falls Church, VA office location training facilities and will present key purchasing/procurement instruction relative to the following:
- Subcontract Management & Administration
- Teaming Agreements, Non-Disclosure Agreements and Subcontract Agreements structure and administration
- Subcontract Flowdown Workshop

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Part 1- Subcontract Management & Administration: The course begins with Subcontract Management and Administration where CaaSus and Reed Smith will answer: What is subcontract management? Who’s involved and what are the steps? Definitional aspects of subcontract management and administration will be presented, as well as discuss the lifecycle, application of subcontract types, internal control requirements and current audit guidance. Subcontract Management Course Objectives:
- Definition of subcontract management
- Purpose of subcontract management
- Subcontract Lifecycle
- Parties involved
- Privity of contract
- Managing different subcontract types
- Documentation Requirements
- Keys to successful subcontract management
- Current Audit Guidance
Part II- Teaming Agreements, Non-Disclosure Agreements and Subcontract Agreements: The second part of the course focuses on NDAs, CTAs and other specific subcontractor agreements. In this session we will focus on the nuts and bolts of specific instruments executed between government prime contractors and their business partners, including:
- The differences between Non-Disclosure Agreements, Contractor Teaming Agreements and Subcontracts
- The subcontract proposal lifecycle
- When NDA’s, CTAs and Subcontracts apply to the subcontract lifecycle
- When to use each type of agreement
- Common pitfalls to avoid in structuring subcontracts, NDAs and teaming agreements
- Live Examples & Discussion
Part III- Subcontract Clauses and Flowdowns: This longer session we will move to a smaller-group, more practical approach as we add some interactive work on subcontract flow down clauses to the classroom instruction. Over the course of four hours, the seminar will present technical information and seek to use discussion and practical work with examples to cover the following:
- Regulatory overview and Subcontract structure training
- Review terms
- Uniform contract format
- Subcontract Formation Considerations
- Location of clauses in FAR and in contract
- Types of clause families and clauses
- When various types of clauses may be used
- Government’s perspective of clause management
- Contract Briefing/Clause Briefing Best Practices
- Understand Structure of clauses
- Mandatory Flow Downs
- Hardest hitting clause requirements
- Optional Flow downs and how to interpret
- What and when should you push back to prime
- When should prime require clause be included in subcontract
- Contract clause briefing and clause flow down exercise

The instructors:
Christine J. Wade, President and CEO of CaaSus LLC, a company specializing in making high quality Federal compliance support accessible and affordable to government contractors. Ms. Wade has worked on compliance issues both as a government contractor, and as an outside consultant to government contractors. She understands the compliance challenges her clients face in identifying, remediating and maintaining compliance with regulatory, cost accounting and audit requirements and CaaSus presents solutions to foster compliant internal control environments and behavior. Ms. Wade is a graduate of the University of Virginia, and is certified as a Project Management Professional (PMP) as well as a Certified Federal Contracts Manager (CFCM).
Gunjan Talati is a senior associate in Reed Smith’s Washington, D.C. office, where he practices in the Government Contracts & Grants Group. Gunjan’s practice focuses on all aspects of government procurement law, including small business matters, ethics and compliance issues, and litigation, including bid protests. Gunjan has significant experience representing small businesses in various Small Business Administration matters. Mr. Talati is a graduate of the Georgia Institute of Technology and earned his J.D. from the Catholic University School of Law.
Registration is active. Please register here: 
Space is limited to 35 participants due to interactive structure of course. Submit registration requests and/or advance registration requests to Continuing Education credit available. Registration Fee: $295 including materials and networking breakfast, lunch and breaks.
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